Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Goin' for the Gold

What is up! My name is Jawana, and it rhymes with "you wanna". Go ahead and laugh, it's OK. but you can't ask me where the name came from, because even I don't know. I think they just made it up on the spot. At any rate, i like to eat. Alot. We all do, I'm just too prideful to hide it. For just about every emotion, I find an excuse to go and whip something up. It gives my life balance(along with my waistline). So, you get to hear about all that good stuff! Along with dive restaurants we've checked out, and "happy helpers" that i've found useful. ENJOY!!!!


  1. *Love* the name Jawana! I'm really looking forward to reading this :D

  2. Awesome name, can't wait to read your posts!

  3. Get those recepes up already;-) I got the brownie cup cake and Strawberry Merreinge Shortcake receipes in word format if that would help.
